Star wars empire uniform
Star wars empire uniform

star wars empire uniform star wars empire uniform

His curtain-closing appearance in The Force Awakens, after years of speculation, confirms his importance, and teases the possibility that he might, eventually, catch a break. And it's Mark Hamill who sells it, screaming his soul-riven disbelief into the tornado then, once he's shattered, choosing to fall despondently down that giant air duct rather than take his pop's metallic hand. Sure, Han's carbonite farewell in Empire has crushing emotional oomph, but it's the Vader/Skywalker showdown, with its climactic megaton-bombshell revelation, that stands as the entire canon's single most memorable, most iconic, most numbingly impactful moment. think about it), rather that, quite simply, he has the best story arc, the best fight scenes (until the prequels he's the only hero to engage in proper, full-on lightsaber duels) and even the greatest scene of the entire saga. It's not so much that he's the character closest to Lucas himself (Luke. A heroic figure so expertly drafted that if he didn't exist, mythologist Joseph Campbell would have to crack open a new archetype to capture him, over the years the hero almost became – undeservedly – the punchline. Head here to see Alec Guinness as Obi-Wan on the set of Star Wars: A New Hope. Hooded in mystery, vaguely priest-like, the strange hermit out beyond the Dune Sea gave the concept of Jedi Knights a mysticism and authority no amount of blather about "midi-chlorians" could undo. Putting him in the hands of a classically trained British thesp who could quote Shakespeare at 'will' was assuredly building on rock. George Lucas had, of course, been boning up on his archetypes, and here was a classic mentor figure cut from the Merlin/Gandalf cloth - the givers of wisdom. For all the special effects, space cowboys, arch villains and comedy droids, it was Kenobi who gave Star Wars conviction. Out of the mouth of Ben 'Obi-Wan' Kenobi, in the silver-haired guise of Alec Guinness (whose voice could varnish wood), it sounded like holy liturgy. It binds the galaxy together." On paper, that reads pretty silly. It's an energy field created by all living things. "The Force is what gives a Jedi his power.

Star wars empire uniform